Source code for scrcpy.control

import functools
import socket
import struct
from time import sleep

import scrcpy
from scrcpy import const

[docs]def inject(control_type: int): """ Inject control code, with this inject, we will be able to do unit test Args: control_type: event to send, TYPE_* """ def wrapper(f): @functools.wraps(f) def inner(*args, **kwargs): package = struct.pack(">B", control_type) + f(*args, **kwargs) if args[0].parent.control_socket is not None: with args[0].parent.control_socket_lock: args[0].parent.control_socket.send(package) return package return inner return wrapper
[docs]class ControlSender: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_INJECT_KEYCODE) def keycode( self, keycode: int, action: int = const.ACTION_DOWN, repeat: int = 0 ) -> bytes: """ Send keycode to device Args: keycode: const.KEYCODE_* action: ACTION_DOWN | ACTION_UP repeat: repeat count """ return struct.pack(">Biii", action, keycode, repeat, 0)
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_INJECT_TEXT) def text(self, text: str) -> bytes: """ Send text to device Args: text: text to send """ buffer = text.encode("utf-8") return struct.pack(">i", len(buffer)) + buffer
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_INJECT_TOUCH_EVENT) def touch( self, x: int, y: int, action: int = const.ACTION_DOWN, touch_id: int = -1 ) -> bytes: """ Touch screen Args: x: horizontal position y: vertical position action: ACTION_DOWN | ACTION_UP | ACTION_MOVE touch_id: Default using virtual id -1, you can specify it to emulate multi finger touch """ x, y = max(x, 0), max(y, 0) return struct.pack( ">BqiiHHHi", action, touch_id, int(x), int(y), int(self.parent.resolution[0]), int(self.parent.resolution[1]), 0xFFFF, 1, )
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_INJECT_SCROLL_EVENT) def scroll(self, x: int, y: int, h: int, v: int) -> bytes: """ Scroll screen Args: x: horizontal position y: vertical position h: horizontal movement v: vertical movement """ x, y = max(x, 0), max(y, 0) return struct.pack( ">iiHHii", int(x), int(y), int(self.parent.resolution[0]), int(self.parent.resolution[1]), int(h), int(v), )
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_BACK_OR_SCREEN_ON) def back_or_turn_screen_on(self, action: int = const.ACTION_DOWN) -> bytes: """ If the screen is off, it is turned on only on ACTION_DOWN Args: action: ACTION_DOWN | ACTION_UP """ return struct.pack(">B", action)
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_EXPAND_NOTIFICATION_PANEL) def expand_notification_panel(self) -> bytes: """ Expand notification panel """ return b""
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_EXPAND_SETTINGS_PANEL) def expand_settings_panel(self) -> bytes: """ Expand settings panel """ return b""
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_COLLAPSE_PANELS) def collapse_panels(self) -> bytes: """ Collapse all panels """ return b""
[docs] def get_clipboard(self) -> str: """ Get clipboard """ # Since this function need socket response, we can't auto inject it any more s: socket.socket = self.parent.control_socket with self.parent.control_socket_lock: # Flush socket s.setblocking(False) while True: try: s.recv(1024) except BlockingIOError: break s.setblocking(True) # Read package package = struct.pack(">B", const.TYPE_GET_CLIPBOARD) s.send(package) (code,) = struct.unpack(">B", s.recv(1)) assert code == 0 (length,) = struct.unpack(">i", s.recv(4)) return s.recv(length).decode("utf-8")
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_SET_CLIPBOARD) def set_clipboard(self, text: str, paste: bool = False) -> bytes: """ Set clipboard Args: text: the string you want to set paste: paste now """ buffer = text.encode("utf-8") return struct.pack(">?i", paste, len(buffer)) + buffer
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_SET_SCREEN_POWER_MODE) def set_screen_power_mode(self, mode: int = scrcpy.POWER_MODE_NORMAL) -> bytes: """ Set screen power mode Args: mode: POWER_MODE_OFF | POWER_MODE_NORMAL """ return struct.pack(">b", mode)
[docs] @inject(const.TYPE_ROTATE_DEVICE) def rotate_device(self) -> bytes: """ Rotate device """ return b""
[docs] def swipe( self, start_x: int, start_y: int, end_x: int, end_y: int, move_step_length: int = 5, move_steps_delay: float = 0.005, ) -> None: """ Swipe on screen Args: start_x: start horizontal position start_y: start vertical position end_x: start horizontal position end_y: end vertical position move_step_length: length per step move_steps_delay: sleep seconds after each step :return: """ self.touch(start_x, start_y, const.ACTION_DOWN) next_x = start_x next_y = start_y if end_x > self.parent.resolution[0]: end_x = self.parent.resolution[0] if end_y > self.parent.resolution[1]: end_y = self.parent.resolution[1] decrease_x = True if start_x > end_x else False decrease_y = True if start_y > end_y else False while True: if decrease_x: next_x -= move_step_length if next_x < end_x: next_x = end_x else: next_x += move_step_length if next_x > end_x: next_x = end_x if decrease_y: next_y -= move_step_length if next_y < end_y: next_y = end_y else: next_y += move_step_length if next_y > end_y: next_y = end_y self.touch(next_x, next_y, const.ACTION_MOVE) if next_x == end_x and next_y == end_y: self.touch(next_x, next_y, const.ACTION_UP) break sleep(move_steps_delay)